truck DOT

PrimeStaff Drug Screens & Labs

Here is a list of drug-testing labs with prices and turn-around times. Prices include collection and MRO negative reviews. MRO positive evalutions are an extra charge.

DOT Split-cup 5-panel ($49 - 2-day Resulting)

This is the Federal Drug Testing toxicology used for pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return-to-duty, and follow-up testing.

Non-DOT 9-panel w/o THC ($45 - 2-day Resulting)

This is a single-cup lab toxicolgy send-out that is perfect for accurate non-DOT employment testing. A non-DOT 10-panel that includes THC also available as is a Non-DOT 10-panel w/ Fentanyl.

Non-DOT Rapid Urine 12-panel ($35 - Same-Day Resulting - confirmations extra)

The Non-DOT Rapid Urine 12-panel is perfect for anyone who needs same-day resulting. There is also a Non-DOT Rapid Saliva 12-panel with same-day resulting available. Positive results can be sent out for laboratory confirmation if requested.

Oral Fluid (Saliva) Non-DOT 13-panel ($49 - Same-Day Resulting - confirmations extra)

Although DOT has not finalized lab approval of saliva testing, non-DOT saliva testing has been available for some time. This 13-panel is a send-out lab.

Hair Testing non-DOT 7-panel ($65 - 2-day Resulting)

Hair testing has the longest (3-month) detection time-period for drug testing. It has the advantage of being difficult to adulterate the results.

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